Program Administrators - Coastal Insurance Underwriters, Inc.

Coastal Insurance Underwriters, Inc.
Company Description
Coastal Insurance Underwriters, Inc. (Coastal) is a program administrator specializing in designing, creating, and managing insurance products for a variety of business classes, including condominium associations, homeowner associations and golf and country clubs.
Some of our “turn-key” solutions for our clientele include:
- Web based program underwriting
- Real time policy quotes and policy issuance
- Highly Customizable policy systems and automation
- Automated accounting and financial reporting
- Agency relations and management
- Product marketing to retail agents
- Coordination of claims handling
- Internal modeling and predicative analytics
We enjoy delivering solutions for challenging and unique marketplaces, and leveraging use of automation to provide a simple solution for even the most complex insurance “opportunity.”
We highly value our agents and strive to provide not only quality products, but provide a web based single entry platform automation as well as a skilled professional underwriting team.
Programs & Coverages
Residential Condominium Association Package & Umbrella
Eligible States: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, &Texas
AM Best A Rated
A full line of coverages for Residential Condominium Associations including Property, General Liability, Crime, D&O/EPLI, Liquor Liability, and Small Limit Umbrella. Property coverage excludes wind in Georgia, Florida, and Texas in coastal areas.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
Coverages Offered:
- Property Including OR excluding wind (available mono-line)
- General Liability including Non-Owned and Hired Auto
- Commercial Crime
- Directors and Officers / EPLI Liability
- Commercial Umbrella
Features and Options:
- Property Enhancement Endorsement
- Property deductibles ranging from $2,500 to $25,000 each occurrence
- Business Income- Loss Assessment Coverage
- Guaranteed building replacement cost
- Agreed Amount Property option
- Blanket Property Limit option
- Primary Flood if not in a special flood hazard zone
- Disappearing Property Deductible
- Sewer and drain backup
- Underground pipes, flues, and rains
- Blanket loss assessment
- Trees, Plants and shrubs
- Greensurance for environmental friendly property upgrades
- Ordinance or Law- Excluding Wind for 100% Full A Coverage with options for B&C Coverage of 2.5%, 5%, and 10%
- Ordinance or Law- With Wind for 100% Full A Coverage with options for B&C Coverage of $20,000, $500,000, $750,000 or $1,000,000
- Ordinance or Law- With Wind for 100% Full A Coverage with options for B&C Coverage of $20,000, $500,000, $750,000 or $1,000,000
- Environmental Impairment Liability/Pool & Spa Contamination with Limit Options of $250,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000
- Earthquake
- General Liability Enhancement Endorsement
- Pesticide Herbicide Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Liquor Liability
- GL Mold liability
- Optional $2M/4M General Liability option
- Garagekeeper's Direct Primary with limit options of $250,000, $500,000, or $1,000,000
- Employee Theft Coverage
- Discovery or Loss Sustained Coverage Form
- Blanket Crime for Employee Theft, Money, Securities, Forgery & Alteration, Money Order & Counterfeit Currency, Funds Transfer Fraud, and Computer Fraud
- Guaranteed Compliance Employee Theft Option
- Social Engineering (Deception Fraud) Coverage Option
- Umbrella included D&O/ EPLI with limit options of $1M, $2M, or $5M
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Property up to $50,000,000 per building
- Age of building 1970 or newer
- All construction types
- No armed security guards
- No pools with diving boards or slides
Homeowners Association Common Area Package & Umbrella
Eligible States: California, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia
AM Best A Rated
Eligible classes include Homeowner Association Common Areas. Lines of coverage include Property, General Liability, Crime, D&O/ EPLI, Liquor Liability, and Umbrella. Property with Wind and Excluding Wind are offered.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Homeowners Associations Amenities
- Residential & Commercial Planned Unit Developments
Coverages Offered:
- Property Including OR Excluding Wind
- General Liability including Non Owned and Hired Auto
- Commercial Crime
- Directors and Officers / EPLI Liability
- Commercial Umbrella
Features and Options:
- Property Enhancement Endorsement
- Property deductibles ranging from $1,000 to $25,000
- Florida: Named Storm and Hurricane Only deductible options of 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, and 10%
- Texas:
- Named Storm and Hurricane Only deductible options of 2%, 3%, 5%, and 10% in Tier 1.
- Tier 2-4 subject to all other perils deductible
- Texas: Special flat hail damage deductible applies in certain counties
- Agreed Amount Property option
- Blanket Building Coverage option
- Disappearing Property Deductible
- Greensurance for environmental friendly upgrades
- Ordinance or Law
- Primary Flood if not in a special flood hazard zone
- General Liability Enhancement Endorsement
- Environmental Impairment Liability/ Pool & Spa Contamination with Limit Options of $250,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000
- Pesticide Herbicide Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Liquor Liability
- GL Mold liability
- Optional $2M/4M General Liability option
- Garagekeeper's Direct Primary with limit options of $250,000, $500,000, or $1,000,000
- Employee Theft Coverage
- Discovery or Loss Sustained Coverage Form
- Blanket Crime for Employee Theft, Money, Securities, Forgery & Alteration, Money Order & Counterfeit Currency, Funds Transfer Fraud, and Computer Fraud
- Guaranteed Compliance Employee Theft Option
- Social Engineering (Deception Fraud) Coverage Option
- Umbrella included D&O/ EPLI with limit options of $1M, $2M, or $5M
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- $10,000,000 per building in non-coastal areas or if excluding wind
- With Wind up to $4M in house in coastal areas
- Age of building 1970 or newer
- All construction types
- No armed security guards
- No pools with diving boards or slides
Commercial or Office Condominium Association Package
Eligible States: Alabama, Florida, & Texas
AM Best A Rated
A full line of coverages for commercial Condominium Associations occupied by offices, retail and other select occupancies. Lines offered included Property, General Liability, Crime, D&O/EPLI, Liquor Liability, and Small Limit Umbrella. Property coverage excludes wind in Florida, Alabama, and Texas.
Classes Considered:
- Commercial or Office Condominium Associations
Coverages Offered:
- Property excluding wind (available mono-line)
- General Liability including Non-Owned and Hired Auto
- Commercial Crime
- Directors and Officers / EPLI Liability
- Commercial Umbrella
Target Profile:
- Low public traffic office condominium association buildings, but will consider other risks
Features and Options:
- Property Enhancement Endorsement
- Property deductibles ranging from $2,500 to $25,000 each occurrence
- Business Income- Loss Assessment Coverage
- Guaranteed building replacement cost
- Agreed Amount Property option
- Blanket Property Limit option
- Primary Flood if not in a special flood hazard zone
- Disappearing Property Deductible
- Sewer and drain backup
- Underground pipes, flues, and rains
- Blanket loss assessment
- Trees, Plants and shrubs
- Greensurance for environmental friendly property upgrades
- Ordinance or Law- Excluding Wind for 100% Full A Coverage with options for B&C Coverage of 2.5%, 5%, and 10%
- Environmental Impairment Liability/Pool & Spa Contamination with Limit Options of $250,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000
- Earthquake (Available in Florida, Alabama)
- General Liability Enhancement Endorsement
- Pesticide Herbicide Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Liquor Liability
- GL Mold liability
- Optional $2M/4M General Liability option
- Garagekeeper's Direct Primary with limit options of $250,000, $500,000, or $1,000,000
- Employee Theft Coverage
- Discovery or Loss Sustained Coverage Form
- Blanket Crime for Employee Theft, Money, Securities, Forgery & Alteration, Money Order & Counterfeit Currency, Funds Transfer Fraud, and Computer Fraud
- Guaranteed Compliance Employee Theft Option
- Social Engineering (Deception Fraud) Coverage Option
- Umbrella included D&O/ EPLI with limit options of $1M, $2M, or $5M
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Property up to $50,000,000 per building
- Age of building 1970 or newer
- All construction types
- No armed security guards
- No pools with diving boards or slides
Difference in Conditions Wrap-Basic Form Wrap Around
Eligible States: Florida
AM Best A Rated
We provide the “Special Form” only perils to supplement the basic perils coverage provided by the Citizens or other basic peril only property insurers. The intention is to insure perils such as water pipe breakage, theft, collapse or falling objects, and satisfy the mortgagee requirement of a Special Form policy. Eligible classes include condominium associations, homeowner associations and commercial risks.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Commercial Buildings
- Apartments
Coverages Offered:
- Special Form Only Coverage
- Guaranteed building replacement cost
- Deductible options of $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000
- Optional Mold and Sewer Backup Option with Limits of $25,000/ $50,000
- Optional Named Peril Ordinance or Law Limit Options
- Coverage A: $1,000,000 or $500,000
- Coverage B & C Blanket Options: $100,000, $250,000, $500,000, $750,000 & $1,000,000
- The following coverages are not available on Frame or JM buildings built prior to 1990:
- Coverage A: $1,000,000 and Coverage B&C: $750,000 & $1,000,000
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Up to $50,000,000 per building
- Age of building 1970 or newer
- Polybutylene, cast iron, or galvanized piping is not eligible
- Central station alarm required for most commercial classes
Mold & Sewer Backup
Eligible States: Alabama, Florida
AM Best A Rated
Mono-line coverage for Limited Named Peril Mold or Sewer Coverage as a result of water damage caused by accidental discharge or leakage from a plumbing, heating, air conditioning system, or appliance or as a result of water back up and sump discharge or overflow. Coverage is offered to condominium and homeowner associations. A major feature is the claims service automatically included which relieves the property manage or managing a complicated mold claim if they have not purchased this coverage.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Residential Homeowner associations
Coverages Offered:
- Limits of $25,000 each occurrence/ $50,000 Aggregate
- Deductible options of $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Age of building 1970 or newer
- Polybutylene, cast iron, or galvanized piping is not eligible
Monoline Directors & Officers/EPLI
Eligible States: Florida, Alabama, Texas
AM Best A Rated
Monoline Directors & Officers/Employment Practices Liability coverage available standalone. Option to choose coverage from (Gold or Silver) and option to remove Employment Practices Liability coverage.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Residential Homeowner Associations
- Commercial Condominium Association
Coverages Offered:
- Limit of $1,000,000
- Continuity of Coverage endorsement available
- Named insured entity coverage included
- Full prior acts included (subject to warranties)
- Duly elected or appointed past, present or future directors, officers or trustees included as insureds
- Spouses, committee members, volunteers, estates, employees, temporary workers included as insureds
- Property management employees included as insureds
- Property Manager Entity included
- D&O Coverage extended for insureds serving on outside not for profit boards with written approval (i.e. Community Association Institute)
- Non-monetary and monetary damages included
- Criminal final adjudication language included
- Pay on behalf wording
- Duty to defend form
- As soon as practicable claim reporting language
- Broad definition of claim including civil and criminal proceedings
- Claim definition includes arbitration
- Full severability for innocent insureds (severability for each insured)
- Punitive damages included where insurable
- Consideration given for insureds choice of counsel
- Employment practices liability included for no additional premium for all insureds no matter what size
- Defense cost for ADA claims included
- Oral or written publication of material unless published with knowledge of its falsity
- Bilateral discovery included
- 12 & 36 month supplemental extended reporting period options available for additional premium
- Leased employees included in as insured person for EPLI
- Defense costs for failure to maintain insurance
- No exclusion for noise or interference with quiet enjoyment
- Defense and settlement provision 50%/50% with insured (soft hammer clause)
- Low $1,000 deductible even on larger associations
- Developer controlled boards can be considered
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Any D&O claim in the past 3 years are referrals to CIU
- Properties with less than 100% replacement cost on wind policy are ineligible
- Properties with less than full NFIP Flood Limits, if within 1,000 ft of water, or in SFHA are ineligible
Monoline Crime
Eligible States: Florida, Alabama, Texas
AM Best A Rated
Monoline coverage available standalone. Option to select Loss Sustained and Discovery coverage forms.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Residential Homeowner Associations
- Commercial Condominium Associations
Coverages Offered:
- Limits up to $2M available
- Choice of either Loss Sustained or Discovery coverage form
- Property manager automatically included
- Guaranteed Compliance Employee Theft
- Blanket Crime Limit
- Zero Dollar deductible
- Optional coverages available:
- Forgery & Alteration
- Money Order & Counterfeit Currency
- Funds Transfer Fraud
- Computer Fraud
- Money & Securities
- Employee Benefit Plan can be included
- Third party bookkeeper or accountant can be included
- Social Engineering (Deception Fraud) Coverage Option
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Any crime losses reported within the past five years are referrals to CIU
- Bank accounts must be reconciled by someone not authorized to deposit or withdraw
- Director or officer must periodically review bank statement for comparison of financial reports completed by the property manager
Equipment Breakdown Program
Eligible States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia
AM Best A Rated
A specially discounted program for electrical and mechanical equipment breakdown coverage for apartments, homeowner associations, and condominium associations. Other classes of boiler coverage are also available on a brokerage basis.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Homeowner Associations
- Apartments
- Condominium Hotels
- Timeshares
- Cooperatives
- Commercial Condominium Associations
Features and Benefits:
- Total Limit per breakdown including property damage and business income: $75,000,000 Maximum Per Single Building and $200,000,000 Maximum Per Association or all insured locations
- Business Income ”Period of Restoration” Extension: 30 days
- Extra Expense: $100,000
- Extra Expense “period of restoration” extension: 30 days
- Spoilage Damage: $250,000
- Utility Interruption: $250,000
- Coverage only if Interruption lasts at least: 24 Hours
- Civil Authority Coverage extension: 100 miles/ 3 weeks
- “Dependent Property” coverage extension: $250,000
- Brands and labels: $25,000
- Contingent Time Element: $25,000
- Contingent Time Element covered premise: Any Contingent Location
- “Electronic Data” or “Media” Coverage: $250,000
- Error in Description: Included in Total Limit per Breakdown
- Expediting expense: $250,000
- “Fungus” Wet Rot and Dry Rot Coverage Extension:
- Property damage: $15,000
- Business Income or Extra Expense: 30 days
- Newly acquired locations: Included in the “Total 90 days limit per breakdown”
- Ordinance or Law: $250,000
- Refrigerant Contamination: $250,000
- Hazardous Substances: $250,000
- Water Damage: $250,000
- Property damage: $2500 or $5000
- Business Income: 24 Hours
- Extra Expense: 24 Hours
- Spoilage: $2500
- Utility Interruption: 24 Hours
- Refrigerant Contamination: $2500
- Joint Loss Agreement
- New Generation Valuation
- Production Machines: Covered
- Green Coverage:
- Property damage: 5%
- Property damage- Additional Costs Limit of Insurance: $250,000
- Business Income/ Extra Expense- Additional Number of Days: 30 days
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Maximum Insurable Value (TIV): $200,000,000
- Maximum Limit Per Building: $75,000,000
- Ineligible Risks:
- Any account that performs water or waster (sewage) treatment
- Any account with a prior loss in the past 3 years of $25,000 or two or more claims exceeding the deductible
- Minimum premium: $250
Pool & Spa Contamination Coverage including Environmental Impairment Liability
Property Owners Protector Plan RPG
Eligible States: Florida
AM Best A Rated
Our exclusive Risk Purchasing Group provides environmental impairment first and third party coverage for pollution conditions as well as legal defense expenses for residential homeowner and condominium associations. One of the essential needs for this product is to provide contamination protection for spas and pools from bacteria and viruses. Premium average in $750 to $1000 range.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Homeowner Associations
- Golf Courses
Coverages Offered:
- Environmental Impairment Liability, First and Third Party Coverage including cost of clean up
- Limits Available:
- $250,000 Per Occurrence/ Aggregate
- $500,000 Per Occurrence/ Aggregate
- $1,000,000 Per Occurrence/ Aggregate
- Retention:
- $5,000 Per Occurrence
- Storage Tanks
- Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) must be scheduled
- Policy Exclusion:
- Known circumstance or condition
- Fines, penalties, punitive and multiple damages
- Employer’s liability
- Workers compensation and similar laws
- Contractual liability
- Property
- Transportation
- Divested Property
- Nuclear or radioactive waste and materials
- Goods, products, or materials
- Intentional Acts
- Hostile Acts
- Mold Matter
- Asbestos
- Lead
- Drywall
- Offshore Oil and Gas
- Underground storage tank (s), unless specifically scheduled on policy declaration
- Unit and private storage area
- Any claim, loss or environmental damage occurring prior to the retroactive date
Extended Reporting Period
- Automatic extended reporting period of 60 days
- Optional extended reporting period is not available
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- No prior environmental impairment liability claims in the past 5 years
Golf Course and Country Club Package - Florida
Eligible States: Florida
AM Best A Rated
Our comprehensive golf and country club program is for the private or semi-private club. Coverages offered are property, general liability, crime, wind on tees and greens, inland marine, umbrella, and professional.
- Classes Considered:
- Private and Semi-private Clubs
- Coverages Offered:
- Property
- General Liability including Non Owned and Hired Auto
- Commercial Crime
- Inland Marine
- Business Income/ Extra Expense
- Commercial Umbrella
- Features and Options:
- Tees and greens available with wind or excluding wind
- Golf Course Accessories Coverage
- Errant Ball Property Damage to Non Owned Auto
- Tennis and Golf Professional Liability
- Property Enhancement Endorsement
- Property deductibles ranging from $5,000 to $25,000
- Named Storm Windstorm and Hurricane Only deductible options of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 5%
- Combined deductible for Tees and Greens, Trees, Shrubs, and Plants including debris removal
- Agreed Amount Property option
- Blanket Building Coverage option
- Disappearing Property Deductible
- Greensurance for environmental friendly upgrades
- Ordinance or Law Coverage- 100% Full Coverage A with options for B&C Coverage of $100,000, $200,000 or $500,000
- Environmental Impairment Liability/Pool & Spa Contamination with Limit Options of $250,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000
- Primary Flood if not in a special flood hazard zone
- General Liability Enhancement Endorsement
- Expanded Who is Insured extension
- Pesticide Herbicide Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Liquor Liability
- GL Mold liability
- Garagekeeper's Direct Primary
- Spoilage
- Food contamination extra expense/business income/ advertising expense
- Business Income/ Extra expense from dependent properties
- Service error and omissions
- Merchandise withdrawal expenses
- Distilled spirits and wines market value
- Employee Theft Coverage
- Discovery or Loss Sustained Coverage Form
- Blanket Crime for Employee Theft, Money, Securities, Forgery & Alteration, Money Order & Counterfeit Currency, Funds Transfer Fraud, and Computer Fraud
- Social Engineering (Deception Fraud) Coverage Option
- Guaranted Compliance Employe Theft Option
- Umbrella with limit options of $1M, $2M, or $5M
- Umbrella including D&O in the excess if requested as an option
- Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- $10,000,000 per building if excluding wind
- With Wind up to $4M in house
- Age of building 1970 or newer
- All construction types
- No armed security guards
- No pools with diving boards or slides
Workers Compensation
Eligible States: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas,
AM Best A Rated
In house authority program for community associations which have no employees on an “if any” basis or the association with employee payroll. The option to include voluntary compensation coverage is offered.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations or Homeowner Associations
Coverages Offered:
- Coverage A Statutory Limits
- Coverage B Employers Liability $500k/$500k/ $500k
- Voluntary Compensation if they qualify
Minimum Payroll or Number of Employee
- “If Any” or with Payroll are considered
1 or 2 Full- Time Employees (or Part- Time equivalent) with payroll:
- Duties related to typical daily building management only
- Not for remodeling, major renovation or storm clean-up
- Certificates required for all subcontractors
“If any” Coverage Terms Subject To:
- Association not having direct employees or payroll
- No worker’s compensation losses in the past three years
- Association must not be aware of any circumstance or injury that may result in a worker’s compensation loss
- All significant work must be performed by licensed and insured contractors with appropriate experience
- All subcontractors must provide proof of Workers Compensation coverage
Voluntary Compensation Eligibility Guidelines (Optional Coverage)
- Volunteers must be pre-approved by an official motion of the Association Board
- No special activities that involve sporting events, off premise activities, alcohol consumption, fund raising, operation of power machinery, or any other high hazard risk sponsored by the association
- No Owners/ Members who perform voluntary maintenance services for the association’s common elements
- All volunteer work must be limited in scope to basic tasks that require no specific training or experience
Submission Requirements
- Acord 130 Workers Compensation Application
- Voluntary Compensation WC Supplemental Application
- Loss runs or no loss letter
Cyber Liability
Eligible States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas
AM Best A Rated
Monoline Cyber Liability coverage available standalone for condominiums, homeowners associations, and golf and country clubs.
Classes Considered:
- Residential Condominium Associations
- Commercial Condominium Associations
- Timeshares
- Cooperatives
- Homeowner Associations
- Golf and Country Clubs
Coverages Offered:
- Cyber Liability (Privacy and Cyber Security)
- Breach Costs
- Regulatory Defense, Fines, Penalties, Awards
- Multimedia Liability (Media Wrongful Act)
- Cyber Extortion and Ransomware
- Data Recovery (Business Interruption and Extra Expense)
- Social Engineering
Features and Options
- Property Manager automatically included
- Limits offered include $100,000, $250,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000 Annual Aggregate plan options
- Deductible: $5,000 Each Incident or Event
- Continuity Date: Inception of Policy
- Terrorism Included
Eligibility and Authority Levels
- No claims or complaints with respect to privacy, a breach of information or network security, unauthorized disclosure of information during the past 5 years
- Applicant must not be aware of any fact, circumstance, situation, event or transaction which may give rise to a claim or loss under the proposed insurance or to any obligation to provide breach notification to any third party
- Applicant has not been subject to any government action, investigation or subpoena regarding any alleged violation of a privacy law or regulation
- Applicant has not notified consumer or any other third party of a data breach incident involving the applicant
- Applicant has never experience an actual or attempted extortion demand with respect to its computer systems
- Gross Annual Revenue up to $4M (Refer to underwriting for higher revenue)
Legal Defense Gap
Eligible States: Florida
More & more insurance companies are denying claims due to exclusions or other policy loop holes. When this happens association boards face tens of thousands of dollars in uncovered legal expenses.
This policy provides Unlimited Defense of the claim or lawsuit through trial with NO Deductible, which provides your association with an additional level of protection.
Classes Considered:
- Condominium Associations
- Homeowner associations
- Co-Op
- Apartment complex
- Hotel
- Commercial Office Structure
Coverages Offered:
- Unlimited legal defense through trial with no deductible for General Liability, Directors & Officers, and Property policies
Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Insured involved in any lawsuit or legal claim in the past 5 years- considered for additional premium
- Complaints been filed against insured with a state, county, or government agency- considered for additional premium
Golf Course and Country Club - Inland Marine
Eligible States: Florida
AM Best A Rated
Monoline coverage for inland marine equipment of golf and country club. Coverage includes scheduled equipment, electronic data processing equipment, employee tools, and fine arts.
- Classes Considered:
- Golf and Country Clubs
- Coverages Offered:
- Scheduled Equipment
- Golf carts, mowers, backhoes, trailers, and tools that customary to maintenance of golf course
- Autos used for maintenance on premises not licensed for road use
- Security patrol mobile radios
- Security cameras
- Floating Aeration Pumps
- Generators Used on Premises
- Other communication equipment
- Employee Tools
- Unlisted Equipment & Tools
- Electronic Data Processing Equipment
- Scheduled Equipment
- Features and Options:
- Broad appetite for items considered scheduled equipment
- Replacement cost on items less than 5 years old
- Contractor’s spare parts- $25,000
- Cost of inventory or appraisal- $5,000
- Electronic data recovery- $100,000
- Expediting Expenses- $2,500 per occurrence
- Fire Protection Equipment- $5,000
- Leased, Borrowed, and Rented Coverages- $100,000
- Newly Acquired Equipment- $250,000 for 180 days
- Replacement Items: Rental Cost- $5,000
- Replacement Items- Loss or Damage to Replacement Items- $100,000
- Flood Coverage in non-special hazard flood zones
- Eligibility and Authority Levels:
- Schedules up to $2,000,000 (higher limits can be considered)
- Equipment must be secured and locked overnight
- Golf carts must be kept in a ventilated and secure building overnight
Specialty à la Carte Homeowners Coverages™
Eligible States: Florida
The Specialty à la Carte Homeowners Coverage™ includes options to supplement the typical Florida homeowners or dwelling policy which often excludes or provides limited coverage for certain property and liability coverage. Coverage can be conveniently selected based on your customer’s unique needs, and all coverages selected will be combined on one policy for simplicity of policy issuance and tracking for the agent and customer.
Coverages Offered:
- Personal Injury Liability Coverage (Libel, Slander, etc)
- Animal Related Personal Liability Coverage
- Incidental Farming Personal Liability Coverage
- Credit Card, Electronic Funds Transfer Card or Access Device, Forgery and Counterfeit Money Coverage
- Pool Enclosures & Other Structures on the Residences X-Wind Property Coverage
- Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Increased Amount of Section I- Property Coverage (Coverage C- Personal Property)
- Coverage C Increased Theft Special Limits of Liability Coverage (Firearms, Jewelry, etc.)
- Water Backup and Sump Discharge or Overflow- Property Coverage
- Loss Assessment- Property Coverage
- Home Business Insurance Coverage
- PART II- Personal Articles
- Personal Jewelry, Silverware, Furs, Stamp Collections, Musical Instruments
- Fine Arts, Coin Collections, Sports Equipment (Including Guns)
- PART III- Other Personal Liability Coverages
- Personal Liability- Owned Residences Rented to Others (1-4 Family) Coverage
- PART IV- Other Commercial Liability Coverages
- 1-4 Family Dwelling for Corp., Trust, or LLC Owned Property
- Vacant Land
- PART V- Excess Personal Liability Coverage
- Excess Personal Liability Coverage
- PART VI- Limited Dock Owners Liability
- Limited Dock Owners Liability
Features and Options
- Option to write coverage a la carte or package together into one policy.
- Fully automated solution with real-time quoting, credit-card and bank payment options, and policy issuance.
- Easy to work with appraisal requirements for the Personal Articles Floater.
- only applies where value is $10K or higher per item, with a special provision allowing you to provide prior declarations page and schedule or receipts in lieu of appraisal if items are valued between $10K - $25K.
- for items less than $10K, photo(s) with a clear and complete description of the item are only needed. Professional photos are not required- agents can take the photos using their smart phones or other camera equipment/software.
- Written on standard ISO-based forms.
- Direct bill renewals. Option to write coverage a la carte or package together into one policy.
Personal Umbrella
Eligible States: Florida
Our Primary Umbrella is designed for both the preferred and non-standard market. We provide limits up to $5,000,000 with an additional $5M available as a referral for underwriting approval.
Coverages Considered
- CPL homeowner liability attachment of $100,000 if Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Universal Property & Casualty, American Traditions, Homeowner’s Choice, Heritage Insurance Company, or Federated it’s the underlying CPL
- Monoline umbrella over other Demotech A and AM best B+ V or better underlying carriers
- Young drivers in the household considered
- Motorcycles, jet skis, ATVs, mopeds, motor homes and golf carts considered
- Farm Exposure considered if noncommercial (Gentleman’s Farm)
- Drivers over the age of 70 considered
- Poor Driving Records
- DUIs
- Identity Theft Option
Coverage Highlights
- Excess personal injury coverage
- Worldwide coverage
- No Self-Insured Retention
- $25,000 Excess Uninsured Motorists Liability Limit automatically included if any underlying is provided